Islam teaches that the human family is one, that there is nor superiority of white over black or of black over white. Islam rejects radically all notions of racial prejudice and teaches that the only basis of distinction between human beings is their individual moral qualities.*
The concept of Islamic brotherhood has two primary dimensions: the relationship of Muslims to Muslims and the relationship of Muslims to non-Muslims. As for the first category, Islam teaches that the brotherhood between all Muslims is to be absolute and total. The Arab had no privileges over the non-Arab, and, since there is no clergy or priesthood in Islam, all Muslims are basically equal, from top to bottom, from rich to poor, from educated to uneducated. As for the relationship between Muslims and non-Muslims, the teaching of Islam is that this is to be a relationship of mutual respect and particularly of toleration. It is preferable that Muslims and non-Muslims live in peace, protect each other, and co-operate with each other. As the Quran says: "There is no compulsion in religion..." [2:256] and "You have your religion and I have mine" [109:6].
* In respect of Islamic Jurisprudence and Muslim Law the famous "Lahai Conference" 1932/1948 highly recommended their use basically for their flexibility, comprehensiveness and practicability in modern times. This was also Confirmed by the conference of In ternational Lawyers at Paris in 1951. | |