Although we live in the twentieth century --in probably the most secular and unreligious era in history-- many of us are still inclined to stop time to time to think about religion. And yet we find that there are so many different opinions about religion. Religions seem to cling fanatically to their own beliefs. Each in turn seems to claim that it possesses all truth, while all others are lost in hopeless error.
In an age torn by hatred, war and strife among the races, many of us look back to religion for guidance to peace and brotherhood and are disappointed to find in most of them intolerance and narrowness of spirit. So, we may ask, is there a religion which teaches the oneness of God and the oneness of mankind, and yet, at the same time, is tolerant of other points of view? This is exactly the teaching of Islam. In fact, Islam teaches that this message of the unity of God and the brotherhood of all races is the original message which Allah sent to all prophets and religions the dawn of human history. However, man has changed this original teaching of unity and developed out of numerous mutually antagonistic sects. As Allah says in the Holy Quran, Allah's revelation to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him): "Surely this your brotherhood is a single brotherhood as I am your Lord, so keep your duty unto Me. But they (mankind) split themselves up into sects, each party rejoicing in its own tenets." [23: 52-53]. Islam still preserves this teaching of the unity of God and the brotherhood of all mankind. Islam seeks to implement this spirit among all races, and yet, at the same time, remains tolerant and respectful of all other heavenly religions and their followers who share the belief in the one and only God. The Holy Quran teaches: "There is no compulsion in religion. The right direction stands out clearly from error. Whoever rejects false deities and believes in Allah has grasped a firm handhold that never breaks and Allah hears and knows all things." [2:256]. | |